Coaches positive about Poseidon e-learning

After a pilot for trainees, on Thursday 3 December it was time for a testing day for coaches. They also started working with the exercises of Poseidon, the new e-learning for future VTS operators. Just like the trainees, the coaches were very enthusiastic about the digital learning environment. They were able to navigate smoothly through the course material and they clearly saw the added value of this blended learning method.

A small group of coaches was received at the NNVO office building in Rotterdam at 09:00 hrs. Educational expert Françoise Kort gave a presentation on Poseidon, at which she i.a. explained the choice for the e-learning. Firstly, the VTS training can be organised more efficiently because less simulator training is needed. Secondly, Poseidon provides ample opportunities for blended learning as well as learning independent of time and location. “We believe that this new digital learning environment will have a positive effect on the vocational training for VTSOs,” says Françoise Kort.

After an explanation about the day programme the coaches started working with the e-learning exercises in two classrooms. The three modules topography, simulator operation and basic communication were dealt with. Is the course material content correct? Is anything missing? What do you think of the didactic level? Be critical, was the motto of the NNVO project team. It soon appeared that the participants navigated smoothly through the e-learning. “That is precisely the purpose, because the operation is organised intuitively,” says Françoise Kort. “We see this as further confirmation that the control works as we had in mind.”

Reward system
Coach Carlos Rubio Perales likes the dynamic e-learning. “The major advantage is that the trainees can choose when and where they want to work with Poseidon. Besides, they can practice as often as they like. When you have completed several parts correctly, three insignias are awarded. I notice that I hate to learn when I don’t achieve 100 percent score. Then I keep practicing until I do achieve that score and with it all insignias. In fact, there is a psychologic trigger behind the reward system, which makes you work harder. I like that.“

Coach Kees Nijsse is also positive about his first experiences with Poseidon. “The most important added value is that trainees can practice a lot at home with this e-learning. As a coach in a classroom, you don’t have that time with your trainees. It requires discipline of them, however, because now they have to take the initiative instead of being scheduled for a simulator for these modules. I am curious about what the difference in level will be, but I expect that after practicing with the e-learning the trainees will be better prepared for the remaining simulator training sessions. If the entry level is high enough, you know that the e-learning has proved its value.”

Unique learning method
Andreas Keller, Head of VTS training courses, has high expectations of Poseidon and is proud what has been accomplished. “The e-learning that we developed in collaboration with TinQwise and Accent Interactive is really something new. Something like this, to my knowledge, does not yet exist. For example: with Poseidon, future VTSOs learn, amongst others, to record procedures, listen back and then compare it with how this is done in actual practice. It is very important to practice intonation and speaking rate. This is something unique and also provides opportunities for other professions such as pilots and patrol vessel crew.”

At the end of the testing day the coaches regrouped to evaluate the e-learning together with the NNVO project team. They didn’t have much criticism about the content, although some exercise questions could be clearer. Furthermore, some technical adaptations are necessary, for example to the repeat button for reacting and listening back. The project team will further examine these issues and come with an improved version in January 2021.

See also: ‘Positive response to VTS training e-learning pilot



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